
When The Cat’s Away…

… the mouse will play. Or, in our case, the universe will do everything it can do make my life as hard as possible.

Two weeks ago Papa Roo went out of town for five days. During that time the dog got a horrible pooping disease, the Kangaroo puked all over his bed for two consecutive nights, he got double ear infections in both ears, and then the antibiotics made his diapers literally explode.

Papa Roo went out of town again on Sunday and seven hours later my grandmother passed away. Two hours after that the Kangaroo colored all over the wall in the hallway and the cat puked on the couch. It’s only Tuesday morning and he doesn’t get back until Saturday afternoon. What will the universe throw at us next? House fire? Broken leg? Flooded basement?

If this is some kind of a test to see how I would do as a single parent, at first glance it would appear I’m failing it. But wait! The Kangaroo is alive, fed (mostly), and happy, so I’m counting it as a win. This morning he managed to get into the pantry, open the giant container of trail mix and dump it out all over the hallway. He walked through it, picking out the M&Ms and avoiding the dried fruit and nuts. And what did I do? I filmed it. Because at this point all I can do is sit back and laugh. When Papa Roo gets back on Saturday the house may be in ashes around us, but at least we will both be smiling!

One Comment

  • Mindy

    I love your posts, Anna. You are brave and strong mother of a beautiful boy! Motherhood is tough and you definitely have some curve balls thrown at you, but I guarantee you’ll hit em out of the park every time! We mommas got to pick ourselves up and keep goin! I struggle with anxiety and it’s just plain tough. It’s sucks. But we are so very blessed and have to take all the good with the bad. Sending hugs and love to your and your sweet family. ❤️